Firma SEO



To increase your visibility and organic traffic, we optimize your online presence. We offer technical SEO, link building, content creation, on-page optimization, and keyword research. We hope to increase your website’s authority, boost your search engine rankings, and ultimately increase your effectiveness.





In on-page SEO we focus on optimizing various elements directly on your website to improve its visibility in search engines.



In technical SEO, we focus on optimizing the technical aspects of your website to improve its performance in search engines.



In Off-Page SEO, we focus on activities outside of your website that aim to improve its online reputation, authority, and visibility.

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ), also known as Search Engine Optimization, is a set of strategies aimed at increasing the visibility of a website in organic search results, especially in the Google search engine, for specific keywords. Why is it worth paying attention to SEO ? What specific activities does it include? You will find the answer to these questions and many more in our guide.

What is SEO for?

SEO is an integral part of positioning, but these days both terms are increasingly treated as synonyms. Most SEO specialists and experts do not limit themselves to the technical aspects of a website or on-site optimization, but undertake activities with a broader scope. Therefore, we will not draw a clear line between these two concepts.

What does SEO stand for?

The abbreviation SEO comes from English and stands for Search Engine Optimization, or optimization for Internet search engines. This process aims to improve the position of the website in search results for specific keywords. It is a multi-stage, non-one-time strategy. The main goal of SEO is to distinguish the website among search results, but it also has an indirect impact on traffic and conversion. Therefore, modern SEO agencies offering such services employ specialists in the field of marketing, positioning, user experience (UX) and website design. In addition to increasing visibility, they also offer clients strategies aimed at retaining a potential customer on the website and encouraging them to return.

What is worth knowing about SEO?

Before you start implementing SEO activities , there are several important aspects that are worth knowing. First of all, you should be aware that learning SEO is a continuous process – it is not based on a fixed set of activities that can be repeated in every case. SEO is constantly developing along with changes in Google algorithms and the intentions of Internet users. Having advanced knowledge of SEO allows you to quickly adapt to new search engine guidelines and implement effective solutions. Additionally, SEO activities are adapted to the position of the competition – if another website is ahead of ours, it is necessary to look for new ways to better distinguish the service in search results.

SEO depends on many factors, which means that it will not be the same for every website. The scope of activities performed depends on various factors, such as the industry, size of the website, number of subpages, brand goals and the CMS system . Different content management systems have different limitations – some allow you to perform more activities at once, while others have limitations that can affect optimization. In addition, the SEO strategy is tailored to the available budget. The bigger the budget, the more activities you can undertake. However, a huge budget is not always necessary, especially for niche services. However, a limited budget can make it difficult to compete with websites that have more resources for building a link profile and other off-site activities. In addition, SEO takes time. Even with a larger budget, the effects usually do not appear immediately, but only after several months of work. Therefore, the SEO strategy must be individually tailored to a specific website, taking into account many different factors. Many SEO specialists also emphasize that achieving high positions does not take a long time. The fact that you often have to wait at least a few months for the first effects is known, and more and more people are already aware of it. However, it is worth knowing that the positions gained may fluctuate and this does not mean a bad SEO strategy .

Google regularly tests different ways of highlighting websites. Examples of changes are not hard to find – there was a period when the search engine ignored the meta title and placed the H1 heading instead . This still happens – sometimes instead of the planned meta description, it chooses a fragment of text that it considers more appropriate. In addition to these visible changes, Google also introduces a number of mini-updates between major algorithm changes. SEO specialists track the positions of many pages, analyze the reasons for the changes and decide to use other solutions on the page when necessary. Thanks to this, they maintain the position and strive to achieve even better results and increase visibility for an increasing number of phrases. So if the positions of your website change slightly over time, and an experienced SEO specialist takes care of the positioning , there is no need to worry. Even significant fluctuations in the position may occur during work on improving the visibility of your page – especially after implementing optimization or reaching subsequent stages, such as entering the TOP10 or TOP5, TOP 50. Such processes are natural and result from minor changes in the positions of individual subpages. After optimization, the website’s positions change – this is a process that takes some time and is related to determining the optimal position for a given page. The high results obtained in Google will not last forever – although this is the hope of people who give up SEO services after achieving excellent results. It should be remembered that the competition is constantly striving for better visibility and stopping activities will most often result in a gradual loss of high positions. Algorithms are updated and the rules for distinguishing websites in search results change. SEO is therefore a continuous action, it consists of taking care of achieving positions, but also maintaining them by quickly reacting in the event of changes in algorithms and intensive work of the competition. If you invest in SEO and then give up on it – after a few months the positions will drop.

SEO is important!

Effective SEO is not just an expense, but an investment that pays off many times over. This is confirmed by numerous case studies of our clients, whose websites have recorded not only significant growth, but also an increase in profits by 100% or more. Our company also achieves excellent positions in search results for industry phrases, which gains increasing customer trust and makes more and more brands decide to cooperate with us. SEO translates into more traffic to the website, increases recognition and promotes the brand. Effective SEO activities allow not only to acquire customers, but also to establish business partnerships. This is the best investment in online marketing.

SEO is key, especially if you run an online sales business.

Internet users enter phrases that interest them and browse the first results in the Google search engine . Currently, practically no one looks at the second page of results. That is why it is so important for as many phrases as possible to reach the TOP10. This means that your website will be noticed by a large number of potential customers, which increases the chance of a sale. Even if you do not offer products that others do not have, it is important to take care of your website’s SEO . Thanks to this, competing websites will not steal your customers, even if they offer lower prices. They will be invisible to potential customers. Effective SEO will contribute to an increase in traffic to your website, which will translate into a greater number of visits and, as a result, higher profits. Achieving high positions should be combined with activities in the field of user experience ( UX ). That is why more and more companies decide on SXO . While SEO provides visibility and visits, UX allows you to maximize profits by optimizing the website so that as many potential customers as possible decide to buy. Currently, SEO is an essential element of online marketing, and many companies make sure that their website is visible in search results. Neglecting your website’s SEO may result in it ranking low in search results.

SEO – who needs it?

When running an online business, it is essential to use an SEO strategy . Success in online sales depends on how many people land on your online store’s website. If your website is not visible, a large percentage of potential customers will never even know about it. That is why both small and large online stores should include SEO in their marketing activities. Without it, it will be difficult to compete with other companies. Using SEO to promote your brand is also beneficial. Businesses looking to gain a local advantage can find SEO an effective strategy, especially since the costs can be lower than building visibility on a national scale. However, there are companies that do not need SEO , such as those that operate exclusively offline or have a small marketing budget. In such cases, it is better to focus on increasing revenues in order to be able to afford professional SEO . Many website owners give up on SEO because of a limited budget that makes it impossible to compete with large corporations that spend millions on SEO . Is SEO impossible in such a situation? Not entirely. With a smaller budget, some phrases can be difficult to achieve, but you can still take care of SEO and increase online product sales. One effective strategy when you have a limited budget is to invest in long-tail phrases, i.e. phrases containing three or more words. Many people search for exact products on Google and are ready to buy immediately if they find what they are looking for. Therefore, it is worth focusing on long-tail phrases that have a high search volume. Another effective way is local SEO, which requires a smaller budget and allows you to reach people from a specific location. The conclusion is that SEO can benefit both large and small online businesses. However, it is crucial to properly develop an SEO strategy and match it to the budget, product range and nature of the company.

What does SEO strategy depend on?

The order, scope of activities and method of performing specific optimization activities are determined after completing the brief, conducting interviews and analyzing the site. The entire process begins with conducting a comprehensive SEO audit , which involves a thorough examination of the site in order to detect any errors and faults. The audit includes an analysis of the category tree, URL structure, meta descriptions, titles, redirects, site load time and many other aspects related to the visibility of the site. This allows for verification of both basic and advanced issues related to the visibility of the site. Then, key phrases for individual subpages are selected and a positioning strategy is developed. Practical knowledge of SEO is necessary to conduct such an audit , and the person performing the analysis uses several tools that allow for quick verification of the site’s condition. An audit for small company websites can take several to a dozen or so hours, while for extensive online stores it can take dozens of hours due to a detailed analysis of the entire site from A to Z. Only after conducting an SEO audit can a specialist develop an appropriate strategy, being aware of the specific steps that need to be taken to improve the site’s position in the search engine. If you don’t already have a website, consider designing it so that it has strong SEO potential from the start .


SEO is an important part of the Google search engine

There are many search engines, but Google generates the most traffic. In Europe, it is the most popular online tool for finding information, services and products. That is why SEO activities should be carried out in accordance with Google’s guidelines .

The search engine’s algorithms are constantly evolving. Minor modifications occur on an ongoing basis, while major changes occur several times a year. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor changes and respond to them appropriately when conducting SEO activities. Google aims to present pages that are best suited to the user’s intentions in search results. The search engine also highlights sites that are optimized for usability. This means that they should load quickly so that the user does not have to wait. Intuitiveness, a clear structure, ease of navigation and the ability to quickly access important subpages are also important. It is also important that the mobile version is optimized, enabling quick use of the site.

Matching your website to Google’s guidelines is crucial, so you need to make sure it’s well-optimized for SEO . This will make your website highly rated and properly highlighted by Google’s robots. When your website meets the technical requirements, is useful, and SEO activities include not only content, technical aspects of SEO , but also linking, it will be recommended to users by achieving a high position in search results for specific phrases.

Start of form

Website positioning – types of activities

Website positioning is a broad area of ​​activity, and achieving high positions in Google requires the cooperation of many specialists. It is important to create and optimize content in accordance with SEO principles , so that it is not only valuable to users and beneficial to the image, but also long enough, equipped with relevant headings, and using keywords in a way that prevents cannibalization, thus meeting the guidelines of SEO specialists . Work on visibility can be focused locally – on a specific location or region, but also nationwide or even internationally. It is also worth taking care of high positions in Google maps. In addition to content, technical SEO issues are also important , which significantly affect the position of the website. Aspects related to the usability of the service, i.e. UX , are also extremely important, which allow the website to be adapted to the needs of users.

On-site and off-site activities

On-site activities include all activities performed on the website, while off-site activities take place outside of it. One of the key tasks related to on-site positioning is optimization. If you want your website to be in the TOP10, thorough optimization is necessary. Conducting positioning activities without taking into account the technical aspects and adapting the website to the requirements of algorithms is a waste of budget and failure to use the potential of SEO . Website optimization consists of eliminating all errors that may make it difficult to achieve a high position in search results. A positioning specialist strives to adapt the website to the guidelines for webmasters published by Google . The more extensive the website, the more attention it requires to improve it, which may include shortening the loading time, optimizing indexing and improving the structure of the page. During optimization (especially in the context of SXO ), special attention should be paid to UX , or user experience. Pages adapted to the needs of users are better evaluated by the Google algorithm. The time needed for optimization depends on the size of the website and the number of errors. In the case of online stores with many products, optimization may take longer than in the case of small corporate sites.

Effective SEO of your website includes many activities, some of which may be invisible to Internet users, but noticeable to Google robots . Positioning must consist of several essential elements. The first of them is an SEO audit – it is impossible to plan effective optimization activities or detect all errors without conducting it. On one page, it will be important to complete and optimize headings, while on another it may be necessary to improve redirects. An SEO audit allows you to thoroughly analyze the positioned website. Activities without it, based on accidentally noticed errors, will never be as effective. Why? Various SEO elements are interconnected and it is best to perform them simultaneously or in a specific order for maximum effectiveness.

Another necessary action is competition analysis. You should check which pages have better visibility for important business phrases that generate traffic, and what their link profile looks like. This analysis allows you to identify areas where your competitors have an advantage in SEO . Thanks to it, you can determine which areas to focus on to quickly overtake other pages. It is also important to conduct a content gap analysis, i.e. check what content and keywords your competitors have that are not on the positioned page. Working on these issues allows you to act effectively in such a way that potential customers end up on your page, not on the pages of competing companies.

You should also regularly monitor the visibility of your website, i.e. check the number of phrases in the TOP50, TOP20 and TOP10 , and assess whether they are appropriate for a given website. Visibility analysis should be conducted throughout SEO activities . It involves tracking which keywords the positioned website is displayed under in Google and observing how these results change after implementing specific actions. Thanks to this, you can assess on an ongoing basis whether the position of the website is increasing in the results for important phrases. This allows for immediate response to changes in organic results.

During SEO work on the site, technical optimization is constantly being carried out. The biggest changes should be made right after the audit

Page code optimization

Google uses so-called bots that regularly review your site. Bots look at it from a technical perspective, which means they focus on different aspects than humans. Although many SEO optimization changes may remain invisible to Internet users, Google carefully analyzes these elements as they browse your site. When optimizing your site, it is worth paying special attention to:

  • Title tag (this is the name of your page, which is later displayed in search results)
  • Meta description (this is a short description that appears under the title tag. Although it has no direct impact on your Google ranking, it can be used to convey important information)
  • H1-H4 headings (each subpage and article should contain appropriate headings. Headings are useful for placing keywords in them and informing Google bots about the content of the subpage).

The basic mistake made by website owners is the lack of headings or their excessive use to highlight fragments of text instead of proper text editing (e.g. bolding, increasing the font size). In such cases, headings are not optimally adapted to the SEO needs of a given subpage. It is worth taking care of properly constructed headings that will be consistent with the content hierarchy, which is an important element of SEO optimization.


Internal linking

Internal linking is an important part of an on-page SEO strategy . It involves placing links from one subpage to another within the same site. This is important both for users, who can navigate the site more easily, and for Google bots , which analyze the structure of the site.

Properly planned internal linking has many benefits. First, it helps keep users on the site longer by encouraging them to browse different subpages. Second, it makes it easier for Google bots to understand the content and structure of the site, which can positively affect its position in search results.

Internal linking often uses anchor text, which is text linked within the content. This is an effective way to convey important information and direct users to other subpages. However, it is important that the links are placed naturally and do not disrupt the readability of the text.

A well-constructed menu and footer on your site also act as internal linking, allowing users to navigate your site more easily. Placing links in different parts of your site can also speed up Google’s indexing of new pages and strengthen the connections between keywords and relevant pages.

It is important to avoid so-called „empty” subpages, i.e. pages without any links leading to them on the site. Such pages may not be indexed by Google and will be practically inaccessible to users.

In summary, properly constructed internal linking can have a positive impact on a website’s SEO , improving both the user experience and its visibility in search results.

Photo and graphic descriptions in SEO

Graphics are playing an increasingly important role in SEO strategy , although they are often underestimated. They can be used in various ways, not only to aesthetically enhance a page, but also as a tool to improve visibility in the Google search engine .

The first way to use images in SEO is to position in Google Images. More and more people use Google Images to search for products , which means that properly optimized images can help increase traffic to the site. This is especially important for the fashion industry, where users often search for products using images.

When optimizing images, you should pay attention to elements such as title, alt description, and image quality. By taking care of the visibility of images in Google , you can significantly increase the potential profits from sales.

Graphics on a website can also serve a navigational function, redirecting users to specific subpages. However, their main purpose is to make the site more attractive and user-friendly. Therefore, it is important that graphics are SEO- optimized , load quickly, and do not overload the site. They should also be thematically matched to the content and have appropriate titles and alternative descriptions.

To sum up, graphics can have a significant impact on the visibility of a website in the Google search engine and its attractiveness to users, which is why it is worth taking care of their proper SEO optimization .

ALT Attributes

Images and graphics are an essential part of any website. Since search engine bots can’t „see” images, it’s necessary to add ALT attributes that describe the image’s content.

ALT attributes are important not only for search engine optimization, but also for users with disabilities who use software that provides descriptions of the page’s content. Even if images don’t load properly, ALT descriptions allow users to understand what the image is about.

In the context of SEO, ALT attributes help search engine robots understand the subject of the page and link the content of graphics to the content of the subpage. Therefore, it is worth using keywords in ALT attributes, which supports the positioning process.

Graphics on a website not only increase attractiveness, but also utility value. However, it is important to remember to follow certain rules, such as thematic connections and the appropriate size of graphic files so that they do not slow down the loading of the page.

Core Web Vitals

If this is your first time hearing about this term, don’t worry, we’ll explain it right away. Core Web Vitals is a set of indicators that have been taken into account by Google search engine when evaluating individual websites for a relatively short time, i.e. since mid-2021. They are becoming increasingly important for SEO optimization of a website. There are currently three main Core Web Vitals indicators, and they are:


This is the time it takes to load the largest block of graphics or text on your page. In short, it can be considered the loading time of the entire website. According to the latest Google guidelines , this time should not exceed 2.5 seconds.

So it’s worth optimizing every element for faster loading. There’s a risk that even if the rest of the page loads quickly, the presence of one heavy graphic could lower your site’s Google rating due to the slow loading time of that particular element.


This is the time that elapses from the moment the site loads until the user can make the first interaction, for example by clicking a button or going to a new subpage. This delay should not exceed 100 milliseconds. It is justified to evaluate sites in terms of this parameter. Users often want to perform some action immediately after entering the site, for example, go to a specific menu section. They do not like long waits, which is why it is important to ensure a fast interaction time (FID).

Start of form


This metric can be difficult to understand. It refers to the stability of your page’s content, meaning how often visible elements move. This metric should not exceed 0.1.

Core Web Vitals are very important for Google. The search engine tries to highlight those pages in search results that are designed in a way that ensures user friendliness. Therefore, the speed of loading a page is becoming increasingly important. This is important not only from the perspective of the search engine, but also for users. When a page loads slowly, many users give up and choose another one that works faster. It is worth checking the CWV reports regularly and making changes to the website based on them. Information on this can be found in the Google help center .

Mobile version

As Google states on its website: “As of July 1, 2019, mobile-first indexing is enabled by default for all new websites.” This means that Google indexes the mobile version of your site, not the desktop version. If your site is designed only for computers and does not have a responsive design (RWD), it will not have a chance to rank high in Google . According to the mobile-first indexing policy, good visibility in the search engine is only possible for sites whose mobile version is at least as good as the desktop version.

More and more people are using their phones as mini-computers. The introduction of fast payments is further supporting mobile shopping. Statistics show that many internet users shop online while waiting for something – for example, a doctor’s appointment, a commute to work, or while eating dinner. From an SEO perspective , a good mobile site is important, but when it comes to sales, it is no less important.

If you want to check your site’s performance, start with Google ’s free Mobile-Friendly Test . If you’re not happy with the results, you’ll need to rebuild your site to look and work well on mobile devices with different resolutions. Ideally, you should see a message like this:

Rich snippets

their snippets, also known as schema markup, structured data, or structured data, are extended descriptions of your webpage that show up in Google . These special markups can convey additional information, such as the type of result (e.g., offer, article, discussion forum) or lead to multiple pages at once. 


Content Marketing and SEO

The next step in the SEO process is to develop a content marketing strategy. SEO content, or content optimized for search engines, is key to building a website’s visibility on the web. Through the proper use and placement of appropriate keywords in content, the website becomes easier to identify and connect with specific user queries in Google .

Creating high-quality content on your website is not only a way to grab the attention of users, but also a key element of an effective SEO strategy . By using carefully selected keyword phrases in your content, your website can achieve a better position in search results. However, it is important that the keywords are naturally woven into the text, while avoiding the feeling of spam.

Additionally, an important part of the content creation process is proper internal linking, i.e. placing links to other subpages on the page. Every SEO text should be carefully optimized for specific keywords, while maintaining high usability for users. This requires not only taking into account the right headings, but also careful selection of the subject and length of the text.

Creating effective SEO content is a time-consuming process that requires precision and attention to every detail. In addition to optimizing for keywords, it is also important to maintain high-quality substantive and linguistic content that encourages users to continue reading. In addition, the length of time users spend on the site is important for search engine evaluation, so it is worth ensuring that the content is interesting and engaging for the recipient.

How to write a good text for SEO

In the process of creating SEO texts , there are a number of key elements that must be considered so that they both serve the SEO and are useful to users. Here are some of the most important features that SEO content should stand out :

  1. Heading hierarchy : A well-organized heading hierarchy allows you to use your main keyword phrases in strategic places in the text, making it easier for both search engines to index your content and for users to read it.
  2. Appropriate length : The length of the text should be appropriate to the topic, which allows for a more complete discussion of the subject and better meeting the needs of readers. Analysis of the competition and the search habits of potential recipients for keywords can help determine the optimal length of the text.
  3. Keywords selection : Both main and secondary keywords should be carefully selected to best reflect the content and subject of the page. Their skillful placement in the text contributes to improving the position of the page in search results.
  4. Uniqueness : SEO texts should be original and unique, avoiding copying content from other websites. Unique content has a positive impact on search engine ratings and attracts user attention.
  5. Meta Title and Description : Meta Title and Description are essential elements that not only help search engines identify your content but also encourage users to click on a search result. They should be carefully chosen and contain relevant keywords.
  6. Images with alternative descriptions : Images on your page should be provided with appropriate alternative descriptions to make their content easier to understand for search engines and people using screen readers.
  7. Substantive basis : SEO content should be based on a solid substantive basis, containing valuable and reliable information for readers.
  8. Compliance with spelling and punctuation rules : Linguistic correctness is crucial for the credibility of the content and has a positive impact on the evaluation by users and search engines.

The above features are the foundation for creating effective SEO content . However, it is also necessary to take into account the individual needs and specifics of each site, which requires analysis of the specific situation and adaptation of the strategy to specific business and industry goals.

Keyword Analysis

When starting your SEO- focused content marketing efforts , it’s crucial to thoroughly research the keywords and phrases you want your site to be visible for in search engines. Before you start creating content, it’s a good idea to conduct in-depth analysis to avoid having to modify your content later if you find that it’s missing important phrases and expressions.

If you want to do your own research on keywords, it’s a good idea to start with simple steps like writing down words and questions related to your business that come to mind. Another step could be to use Google Suggestions , which are phrases that appear when you type a query into the search engine. Additionally, there are many online tools available, many of which are free, such as Google Keyword Planner , Answer The Public , and Ubersuggest . These tools will help you find the right phrases and determine their popularity based on actual user searches on Google .

When selecting keywords for individual subpages, it is important to avoid so-called cannibalization, which is a situation where two or more subpages compete for a position in Google for the same keyword. This phenomenon can weaken the SEO potential of the site, so it is worth carefully planning and distributing keywords to individual subpages. It is also important to examine the number of searches for a given phrase and also take into account long keywords.

However, just finding phrases and implementing them into the content of the page is not enough to achieve good SEO results . The process of selecting keywords should include many more steps. The person responsible for SEO should create a comprehensive list of subpages, assign them appropriate keywords and determine the characteristic features of the texts, such as length, headings or keyword saturation. In addition, it is also important to adjust the structure of the site, create new subpages and properly link internally. Choosing the most important keyword for each subpage and taking into account many other factors, such as content quality and user experience, are also essential for an effective SEO strategy . Therefore, planning SEO content for the page requires taking into account many elements and taking into account many factors to achieve optimal results.

The Long Tail in SEO

Long-tail keywords, also known as long-tail keywords, play an important role in SEO strategy . These are more specific and specific keywords that make it easier to promote your site for less popular but more precise terms. Let’s look at this with an example. Assuming you run an online skiing store, a general keyword phrase could simply be “cooking.” However, trying to rank for such a popular term would be extremely difficult, time-consuming, and costly. For this reason, online stores often focus on more precise and targeted phrases, such as:

  • „Cooking for the Beginner Woman”
  • „Cooking for a Child”
  • „Learning to cook”

Although these are less popular phrases in Google , it is much easier to promote yourself on them. In addition, there is another benefit associated with using long-tail phrases – they generate valuable traffic to the website. A customer who is actively looking for a specific product or service, clearly defining their needs, is more likely to make a purchase. It is enough to present them with the right offer to persuade them to make a purchase decision.

Long-tail keywords are a great solution for businesses on a tight budget. The cost of positioning your site for these more specific keywords is typically lower, and they generate valuable traffic from customers who are ready to buy. This increases your revenue, allowing you to allocate more money for further SEO efforts , including promoting to more competitive and strategic keywords. These SEO investments continue to drive sales and accelerate your business growth.

General keywords or long tail?

It seems like an important SEO strategy to balance both broad and specific keywords. It makes sense to aim for high rankings in search results for different types of keywords, since each type can attract different users with different search intents. However, the speed at which you can achieve high rankings for specific keywords depends on many factors, such as the competition in the field and the available budget.

The fight for high positions for popular general phrases can be extremely difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, an SEO strategy based on a combination of long tail and general phrases seems to be the most effective. Long tail phrases, due to their specificity, can be acquired in a relatively shorter time, while general phrases require a more long-term approach.

It’s also important to understand that different types of keywords reach different target groups at different stages of the sales funnel. Users searching for long-tail keywords are usually more likely to make a purchase, as they already have specific needs and are looking for a specific product or service. People using general keywords, on the other hand, may only be at the stage of initial topic research and comparing offers.

The variety of keyword types is extremely important in the context of SEO strategy . In addition to long-tail and general keywords, there are other types of keywords that are worth considering when planning your SEO activities . For example, brand keywords can attract users who are loyal to specific brands, while local keywords can be crucial for local SEO . In addition, product keywords, which include the name of the manufacturer and model of the product, are often searched for by users who have already decided to make a specific purchase. Therefore, it is worth including a variety of keywords in all SEO activities to best adapt to the needs and expectations of different target groups.

Duplicate content in SEO

Duplicate content is a problem that can negatively impact your site’s search engine rankings. There are two types of duplication: internal and external, which must be addressed.

External duplication occurs when more than one website contains identical content. In this case, Google chooses the page it considers to be the original, while other websites with the same content may struggle with SEO issues. Copying content from other websites is not only unethical, but it also violates copyright laws and has serious SEO consequences. Lack of unique content negatively affects the ranking of the website in Google algorithms , which results in a lower ranking in search results. If you notice that another website has copied your content, it is worth reporting it to Google .

Natural duplicate content often concerns product descriptions in online stores. Many stores use the same suppliers and use identical product descriptions. However, Google understands that these products may have identical descriptions, so duplicate product descriptions are not penalized by the algorithms. Nevertheless, unique product descriptions can contribute to better results in the search engine, especially if they are part of a marketing strategy and constructed in a persuasive way that encourages purchase.

Internal duplication refers to situations where the same content is found on different pages of the same website. This can be caused by optimization errors, such as splitting product categories into multiple pages, each with identical descriptions. Such optimization errors can be detected during an SEO audit and should be eliminated quickly, as they negatively affect the site’s rating by Google robots and can cause the same keywords to be duplicated, making it difficult to index individual pages. Therefore, it is important to monitor and eliminate duplicate content to maintain the high quality and effectiveness of your site in terms of SEO .

Content writing

Nowadays, SEO success is not possible without properly prepared content. However, it is not about just any texts – the key is engaging and valuable materials that are unique and high quality. Google increasingly appreciates sites that offer extensive content, answering users’ questions and solving their problems. That is why it is worth investing in a blog or other section on the site, where you can regularly publish new entries. Copying content from other sites is absolutely unacceptable – to achieve success in Google , it is necessary to create original and unique content. However, it is important that the content developed is attractive to users and adds value, offering a new perspective on the topic.

It is important to remember that content is not just text. Infographics, photos, animations, as well as links to videos on platforms such as YouTube , are an integral part of the content on the page and can enrich the user experience. They should not be neglected, as they can significantly increase the attractiveness of the site.

As for keywords in content, of course they should appear, but in a natural and not forced way. It is worth remembering that focusing too much on keywords can be harmful, because Google increasingly values ​​content that is valuable and attractive to the user. The BERT algorithm, using machine learning and natural language processing, has changed the approach to content interpretation, focusing on understanding the user’s intentions. Therefore, more important than the number of keywords in the text, is to provide valuable knowledge and solutions for users.

The content on the website should also be optimized for SEO , i.e. be attractive to users and at the same time support the positioning of the website. It is worth ensuring that the texts answer customer questions, are related to the company’s activities and enable the development of the brand’s image. Creating and developing a blog can bring many benefits not only in terms of SEO , but also in terms of building brand awareness. Blog texts are also an excellent opportunity to fight for high positions for long-tail phrases and promote internal linking, which additionally supports SEO optimization .

Off-site SEO, or link building 

On-site SEO is of course a key element of website optimization, but in order to achieve and maintain top positions in search results, it is also necessary to focus on external links. Link building, or the process of acquiring external links, is of great importance for effective SEO . Each link leading to our website is treated by the search engine algorithm as a recommendation, which can significantly affect the position of our website in search results.

However, not all links are equally valuable. It is important that the links come from sites that are thematically related to our domain, and links from sites considered spammy should be avoided. Otherwise, there is a risk that our site’s position in Google rankings may suffer significantly. If we do not have the appropriate knowledge about link building, it is worth using the help of professionals who can effectively manage this process.

It is worth being aware that using unethical linking practices, although they may initially bring short-term benefits, can lead to negative consequences in the long run. Google detects suspicious activities very quickly and penalizes sites that use such practices by lowering their positions in search results.

That’s why it’s worth focusing on creating valuable content that will interest other web creators and encourage them to link to your site. Guest articles, or substantive content published on other websites, can be a great tool for building a link profile. In addition, by including links to your site, they can positively impact its image and SEO optimization .

Link Profile

When building links to your website, there are several important factors to consider. First, you should look for high authority sites that have a so-called DR (domain rating). These sites are already well positioned in Google and are appreciated by users. However, you should remember that there are also those that artificially manipulate their DR, which is not ethical. Therefore, it is important to know the real authority of a given site. High authority sites are characterized by high quality content and are valuable to people interested in a given topic. If you are not able to assess the authority of a site yourself, you can use available tools, such as the free tool provided by Ahrefs, which will help with the initial verification.

The second important factor is the topic of the sites you plan to build links with. They should be thematically related to your site so that the link profile looks natural. For example, if you run a travel blog, the links should come from sites that are also about travel. Links from sites with a different topic may be misinterpreted by Google algorithms .

Generally speaking, the more links from high authority domains you have on your website profile, the better your chances of ranking high in Google search results . However, it is important to remember that one high quality link is better than ten low quality links.

Another aspect is monitoring the traffic on the sites you get links from. Linking should also have a marketing rationale, so it is important to direct users to your site, which will increase traffic. It is worth getting fewer links from different domains than more from a small number of sites. For example, 100 links from different sites may be more valuable than 1,000 links from five sites.

Link profile is key to effective SEO , so a diverse approach to acquiring them is important. You can consider sponsoring campaigns, giving interviews to industry websites, or creating guest content as an expert in your field. It is important not only to obtain high-quality links, but also to take care of the proper URL structure and even distribution of links to different subpages of your website.

SEO – how to start?

Starting to take care of your website’s SEO as soon as possible can bring visible results much sooner. Therefore, it is worth considering issues related to search engine optimization at the stage of setting up the website. There are two main paths when it comes to implementing actions to improve the visibility of the website: learning and performing SEO actions yourself or using professional help from specialists.

The first option, although possible, can be long, tedious and require a lot of awareness and time. Learning SEO can be a complicated process, and making even minor mistakes can have a negative impact on the results of positioning. From a business perspective, a more profitable choice may be to use the help of experienced specialists who will take care of optimizing the website for SEO , while allowing the entrepreneur to focus on other key aspects of the business, such as company development, planning to expand the assortment or customer service.

Using the services of experts allows you to shorten the time needed to achieve SEO results , minimizing the risk of making mistakes and ensuring professional optimization of the website. This gives the company the chance to increase visibility in search results faster and better positions in the online market. As a result, the business owner can focus on effective business management, with the certainty that the SEO aspects are in competent hands.

SEO Tips

If you want your website to achieve proper SEO optimization , you need to focus on the key elements related to it. First of all, before you start any activities, it is worth conducting a comprehensive SEO audit . Such an audit will allow you to better plan your positioning strategy and set an appropriate budget for SEO activities . Based on the audit results, you can precisely distribute individual activities over time, prioritizing the most important ones, for example, fixing optimization errors.

Another key element of success is to constantly monitor changes in search engine positioning and analyze the causes of these changes. It is important to stay up to date with changes in search engine algorithms, such as those introduced by Google, and make adjustments as soon as possible to better adapt your site to new requirements.

Another important aspect is taking care of the order in internal linking, a clear structure of the website and the appropriate arrangement of categories. Each page should have appropriately optimized headings for key phrases, and the content should be created in accordance with the assumptions of the SEO strategy and be unique.

The importance of a mobile version of a website and its loading speed cannot be underestimated either. In the era of mobile users, websites must be optimized for display on various devices and fast operation.

Finally, it is important to remember that the key foundation of any successful SEO strategy is proper technical optimization of the website. Even if you take care of external linking and provide high-quality content, a site with numerous technical errors will not achieve high positions in search results. Therefore, it is important to take care of comprehensive technical optimization of the website as a priority step in the SEO optimization process .

If you want your website to achieve proper SEO optimization , you need to focus on the key elements related to it. First of all, before you start any activities, it is worth conducting a comprehensive SEO audit . Such an audit will allow you to better plan your positioning strategy and set an appropriate budget for SEO activities. Based on the audit results, you can precisely distribute individual activities over time, prioritizing the most important ones, for example, fixing optimization errors.

Another key element of success is to constantly monitor changes in search engine positioning and analyze the causes of these changes. It is important to stay up to date with changes in search engine algorithms, such as those introduced by Google , and make adjustments as soon as possible to better adapt your site to new requirements.

Another important aspect is taking care of the order in internal linking, a clear structure of the website and the appropriate arrangement of categories. Each page should have appropriately optimized headings for key phrases, and the content should be created in accordance with the assumptions of the SEO strategy and be unique.

The importance of a mobile version of a website and its loading speed cannot be underestimated either. In the era of mobile users, websites must be optimized for display on various devices and fast operation.

Finally, it is important to remember that the key foundation of any successful SEO strategy is proper technical optimization of the website. Even if you take care of external linking and provide high-quality content, a site with numerous technical errors will not achieve high positions in search results. Therefore, it is important to take care of comprehensive technical optimization of the website as a priority step in the SEO optimization process .

SEO Tools – What to Use When Positioning?

To effectively manage your website’s SEO , it is essential to use a variety of tools that not only allow you to monitor changes in the position of your pages, but also allow for more accurate diagnostics of its performance. Therefore, knowledge and skillful use of various tools that will facilitate the analysis and optimization of your website play a key role. So get to know the tools that will significantly facilitate your work.

Google SEO tools are an invaluable help for website owners. They allow you to track website traffic, analyze positions, and learn about user demographics. Google Search Console is a basic tool that allows you to verify indexing issues, manual penalties, and control website traffic. Google Analytics, on the other hand, allows you to collect data on users and their behavior on the website, which is extremely valuable from the perspective of SEO optimization . With Google Data Studio, you can create personalized reports by integrating different data sources, and Google Tag Manager makes it easy to add tracking tags without having to interfere with the website code.

Additionally, Google Trends enables analysis of phrase seasonality and identification of currently popular topics, which allows for better planning of content publishing strategy. PageSpeed ​​Insights, on the other hand, enables checking the page loading speed for different devices, which is important from the point of view of users and positioning of the website.

When implementing an SEO strategy , using these tools will allow you to better understand the actions you take on your site and track their impact. This will allow you to make more informed decisions about how to optimize your site, which will help improve its visibility and effectiveness in search engines.

External SEO Tools

There are many options on the SEO tools market , but the most important ones that professionals use every day include popular platforms such as  Ahref ’s , Senuto and Semstorm . Each of these tools offers a wide range of features that allow you to analyze your site’s visibility, compare yourself to your competitors, monitor linking and many other aspects that are essential to a successful SEO strategy . Although all of these platforms serve the same purpose, they differ in terms of user interface, available keyword database and features that may depend on the chosen subscription package.

For those just starting out in SEO , choosing one of these tools can be crucial. It’s worth testing each one individually and deciding which one best meets your needs. However, you don’t always have to limit yourself to one tool, as many of them offer unique features that can be useful in different situations. For example, Senuto , which introduced a new feature in March 2022 – Content Planner, which supports the content creation process for SEO optimization .

In addition to these main tools, there are many other helpful CMS apps and plugins that make it easier to manage and optimize your site. With them, you can easily create redirects, optimize specific pages, and monitor other important metrics. Additionally, SEO professionals also use crawlers like Moz and Answer the Public, which allow for deeper data analysis and the identification of new optimization opportunities. That’s why it’s important to be open to a variety of tools and constantly seek out those that best suit your individual SEO needs and goals .

Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO

In conducting SEO activities, the key role is played by observing ethical principles, called White Hat SEO , which are considered by Google to be honest and in line with the guidelines. It is important to avoid Black Hat SEO practices , which are prohibited actions that may seem effective at first, but in the long run lead to serious consequences. Using such practices can result in loss of visibility in search results or even removal of the page from the Google index .

It is important to understand that while some unethical practices may provide some benefits in the short term, these are short-term solutions that can lead to serious problems in the long term. Examples of such unethical practices include link farms, artificially generated links to a page, copying content from other sites without permission, and manipulating Google algorithms .

One of the examples of prohibited practices is also hiding content, which is placing invisible elements on the page for users, which are intended to increase the visibility of the page in search results. Such actions are easily detected by Google algorithms and can lead to severe penalties, including complete removal of the page from search results.

Therefore, to avoid negative consequences for your site, you should follow the principles of ethical SEO and avoid any practices considered unfair by Google. Consistent use of White Hat SEO is the key to long-term success in positioning your site and building its authority on the web.

SEO on your own or with help?

The decision between doing SEO on your own or using the help of specialists depends on many factors and requires careful consideration. If you run an online business and want to effectively optimize your site to increase your profits, doing SEO on your own may not be a good idea. There are several reasons why you should consider using the help of SEO specialists .

SEO specialists have the knowledge and experience to quickly identify areas that require optimization and develop a strategy that is tailored to current search engine requirements and the needs of your website. Learning SEO on your own can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and even then, you run the risk of missing important optimization errors that could negatively impact your site’s rankings in search results.

Choosing an SEO agency that has a team of diverse specialists can be one of the best solutions. Thanks to this, you can be sure that your website will be comprehensively taken care of. Copywriters will take care of creating content in accordance with SEO principles , specialists will work together on the optimization strategy, and developers will make the necessary changes to the website. Thanks to the cooperation of many specialists, the SEO agency will be able to choose the best solutions, effectively analyzing actions using the right tools.

However, it is worth choosing SEO agencies with experience and a good reputation to be sure of effective cooperation and achieving the intended goals. SEO activities require precision, constant monitoring and adaptation to changing market conditions and search engine algorithms. Therefore, choosing the right agency can be crucial to the success of your website on the Internet.

SEO Effectiveness

Professional SEO usually brings much better results compared to doing it yourself. The main goal is to outperform the competition and achieve high positions in search results for keywords that have a real business justification. The idea is for the website to attract traffic from users who are potential customers, which requires focusing on relevant keywords.

Sometimes, a seemingly decrease in the visibility of a website can be misleading. This does not always mean that the positioning process is not going well. SEO specialists analyze keywords and may notice that some of them do not have significant business significance. Often, websites are visible in search results under phrases that are completely unrelated to their business. Therefore, a decrease in the number of positions in the ranking may result from the fact that the website is no longer visible under phrases that are irrelevant to its business.

For example, an aesthetic medicine clinic may try to position itself for general phrases such as “breasts,” “nose,” and “buttocks.” However, these phrases are not directly related to the services offered by the clinic. Potential clients usually search for specific procedures or effects, such as “breast augmentation” or “nose job.” Therefore, a good SEO specialist will focus on optimizing for phrases that will attract clients interested in specific services.

Conducting effective SEO is a multi-stage process, tailored to a specific business and focused on a specific target group. Sometimes there may be many optimization errors on the site, which make it difficult to achieve high positions in search results. The first step is then to introduce changes to technical SEO , and then effective actions on positioning key phrases. SEO effects may be noticeable after different periods of time, so it is important for the client to be informed on an ongoing basis about the progress and reasons for the effectiveness of the actions taken.

SEO as the basis for marketing activities

You have already become familiar with the concept of SEO and you realize that in the online world, positioning is the foundation of all marketing activities. Regardless of whether you run an online store, a company website, a blog or an online portal, an effective SEO strategy is essential for acquiring users and increasing your visibility on the web. However, it is worth being aware that the effects of SEO activities are long-term, require patience and systematicity. Although most Internet users in Poland use the Google search engine, there is also a group of people who prefer Bing or Yahoo. Therefore, it is important for the website to be optimized not only for Google, but also for other popular search engines. Lack of proper optimization makes the website practically invisible on the web, which emphasizes the importance of positioning as a key element of every company’s marketing strategy. Therefore, it is worth focusing on SEO and making it the main pillar of marketing activities in your company.

What to combine SEO with?

When we talk about SEO , it is worth mentioning that it is a strategy that can be integrated with various forms of online marketing. One of the popular combinations is the synergy of positioning with paid Google Ads, which in turn we call SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Thanks to this approach, the site can acquire users both through organic and paid search engine results.

However, in addition to SEM , it is also worth noting an innovative strategy known as SXO . SXO combines SEO activities with UX (User Experience) design, which brings exceptional results. Thanks to SXO, the website not only becomes more visible in search results, but also provides users with a convenient and positive experience of using it. This combination of SEO and UX promotes a significant increase in the conversion rate and improves the visibility of the website on the web. Importantly, SEO and UX complement each other, creating a synergistic effect. This is why the SXO strategy has gained recognition among entrepreneurs who are aware of the key role their websites play in attracting and retaining online customers.

SEO – when to decide?

Name and compatibility with the industry it represents. However, if you are just now considering implementing SEO , it is not too late, but there are some challenges to be aware of.

The first is cost. Search engine optimization can be expensive, especially if you have a lot of catching up to do. Fixing bugs, optimizing your site, filling it with content with relevant keywords, and gaining valuable links takes time and financial resources. The smaller your budget, the harder it will be to achieve quick results, because competitors who have been investing in SEO for a long time have an advantage.

Secondly, even with a large budget, you can’t expect immediate results. Google needs time to index changes and assess their impact on the site’s ranking. Some SEO activities also require a specific order and cannot be done simultaneously.

However, the earlier you start your SEO efforts , the better. Ideally, you should optimize before you even create a website, choosing the right content management system (CMS) and designing your site for easy SEO. Choosing the right domain is also important, as it should be relevant to your industry and easy for users to remember.

In conclusion, although late SEO implementation is not ideal, it is always worth investing in it, even if it takes more time and requires more financial outlay. The sooner we start, the sooner we can enjoy the effects of visibility and the benefits of a better position in search results.

SEO as a response to shopping needs

It is a fact that most people using the internet reach for Google when searching for products and services, and increasingly maps are also used. In this context, the proper use of SEO becomes crucial for an effective online marketing strategy. SEO allows you to reach people directly who are interested in specific products or services. By optimizing your website for SEO, you can be sure that your page will be displayed to people who type in specific phrases, which means that they are already in the active search phase and could be potential customers. In this way, SEO ensures focused and effective marketing activities, directly targeted to people who are ready to buy or use services.

One of the key aspects of SEO is the appropriate matching of keywords to business goals. It is not just about promoting the website for the largest possible number of phrases, but also about choosing those that will generate traffic from the right group of recipients. Therefore, it is important that the SEO strategy is closely linked to business goals. There is no point in investing in promoting the website for phrases that are not very popular or are not directly related to the products or services offered. Appropriate SEO is therefore based on understanding the needs and behaviors of potential customers, which allows you to effectively attract the right group of recipients to the website.

As a result, SEO not only ensures effective positioning of the website in search results, but also contributes to building a positive brand image and increasing sales. SEO activities are therefore aimed at meeting the needs and expectations of consumers, which makes SEO- based marketing more effective and financially beneficial for companies.

How to find an SEO agency?

Implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy requires not only advanced knowledge, but also access to specialist tools that enable effective website positioning. That is why more and more companies decide to use the services of professional SEO agencies . Choosing the right agency is crucial to achieving success in positioning. So how do you make the right choice?

It is worth paying attention to agencies that offer a comprehensive approach to SEO , taking into account not only website optimization for search engines, but also using Google Ads and UX design . Such a comprehensive strategy allows you to gain an advantage over the competition regardless of the industry in which the company operates.

Another key issue is checking the competence of the SEO agency employees . A solid company employs qualified specialists in various fields, such as SEO , UX , Google Ads , content marketing and website design. Thanks to this, you can be sure that your website is in the best hands.

Choosing the right SEO agency is a process that requires trust and patience. Before you sign a contract, it is recommended to thoroughly check several important issues. New companies are not always trustworthy, so it is worth choosing those that have experience and qualified staff. It is also important to check the position of the agency’s website in search results, which gives you the certainty that the company really knows SEO .

It is important to remember that the effects of positioning do not appear immediately. Professional SEO activities require time and gradual improvement of the visibility of the website in search results. This time depends on, among other things, the current state of the website, the available budget and the actions taken by the competition. Therefore, it is worth having realistic expectations and trusting professionals who will work diligently to improve the visibility of your website.

SEO in Program4y – how does cooperation work?

If you are looking for an SEO agency that will effectively position your website and bring you real results, we invite you to contact us at Global SEO! Our team consists of experienced specialists who will use the latest strategies and tools to help increase the visibility of your website, generate more traffic and conversion. As an agency, before starting cooperation, we thoroughly analyze your website, set a budget and scope of activities. It is important for us to know your individual needs, which is why we suggest contacting our company, which will allow us to better understand the goals, plans and competition of your business.

At the initial stage of our cooperation, we conduct a thorough audit of your website, including a comprehensive analysis of the site. This audit allows us to locate any critical errors that need to be fixed at an early stage and plan further optimization activities. We base our actions on an individual strategy, adapted to the specifics of your business and analysis of the competition.

Our specialists, based on the collected data and analysis of the competition, develop an action plan. Our copywriters create SEO content that not only matches the profile of your website, but is also optimized for positioning. We take care of optimizing all key elements of the website, such as headings, meta descriptions, internal and external linking, redirects and other SEO aspects .

During our cooperation, we monitor changes in the position in search results, Google algorithms and the actions of competitors. Gradually, you will observe the improvement of your site’s position, the appearance of new phrases in search results and the increase in traffic to your site.

As part of our services, we also offer support in the field of Google Ads advertising and UX optimization of your website. Additionally, each client is assigned a consultant who is available to help and answer any questions regarding the strategy and actions taken.

If you would like to learn more about our services and how we can help you increase your website’s visibility, please contact us! Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions and arrange a personal conversation to discuss the details of cooperation.

Also check out our blog where you can find a lot of valuable information Content Optimization and Link Building: SEO Basics for Businesses – SEO COPYWRITING ONLINE

Also check out Google SEO Guidelines – Beginner’s Guide: Basics | Google Search Center | Documentation | Google for Developers

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