What matters is the POSITION of your offer

We will make sure that he sees the link to your website as high as possible on the results list

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Zespół Global SEO budowa stron internetowych

Tired of receiving reports with no visible results?

Contact us and discover a world based on real results. We prepare reports using Google tools and introduce clients to activities, expanding their knowledge in the field of Digital Marketing. We are confident in our skills, which is why we offer contracts with a one-month notice period.

Digital Marketing Agency – your support in online sales and marketing, including organic SEO positioning and advertising on Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram. We create action plans and strategies for companies on the Polish and European markets.

A website is the showcase of every company. Understanding the difficulties small and medium-sized businesses face in managing websites, adding new services, and modifying their appearance and structure is crucial. That’s why we offer full service – from creating websites to rebuilding them, with a guarantee of changes within 24 hours.

Increase Visibility: With organic SEO, your company can become more visible to potential customers, both in the local and global markets. Optimizing your content for different markets makes it easier to reach new audiences.

Increased website traffic: Higher rankings in search results translate into more website traffic, which can lead to increased conversions and profits.

Flexibility in marketing activities: We have experience in building mailing databases, organic SEO and social media management.

Tired of receiving reports with no visible results? Contact us and discover a new world based on real results. We prepare reports using Google tools and introduce clients to actions, opening them to new knowledge in the field of digital marketing. We are confident in our skills, which is why we offer contracts with a one-month notice period.

Don’t wait – write to us and support the development of your company!


Digital Marketing Agency

Our company specializes in online sales and marketing, including organic SEO positioning and advertising on Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram. We also offer comprehensive action plans and strategies for companies operating on the Polish and European markets.

A website is the showcase of every company. Understanding the difficulties small and medium-sized businesses face in managing websites, adding new services, and modifying their appearance and structure is crucial. That’s why we offer full service – from creating websites to rebuilding them, with a guarantee of changes within 24 hours.

Increase Visibility: With organic SEO, your company will become more visible to potential customers in both the local and global markets. Optimizing your content for different markets makes it easier to reach new audiences.

Increased website traffic: Higher ranking in search results translates into more website traffic, which can lead to increased conversions and profits.

Flexibility in marketing activities: We have extensive experience in building mailing databases, organic SEO and social media management.

Zespół Global SEO budowa stron internetowych



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Google Ads (AdWords) Managed price list

Our promise: hard work, full reporting, better results and a partnership
with a Google Ads specialist. The price list for Verseo packages is: 

Power Local

(service per month)

for the Google Ads budget up to PLN 2,000

  • Design and construction of campaign architecture, PLN 1,200 for each new account, free advertising banners for the start.


(service per month)

for a Google Ads budget from PLN 4,000

  • Get active expert support, access to all types of campaigns and advertising based on the latest operating methodologies.


(service per month)

for a Google Ads budget from PLN 8,000

  • The optimal package for companies looking for effective advertising solutions and data-based marketing decisions to increase sales.

Standard Plus

(service per month)

for the Google Ads budget from PLN 15,000

  • A solution for companies looking to maximize conversions, scale revenues and reduce CPC costs.
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Enhance your brand narrative with our content marketing services, where compelling storytelling meets strategic reach.  We create engaging and relevant content that not only resonates with your audience, but also strategically strengthens your brand, fostering meaningful connections and making a lasting impact on the digital landscape.



Developing a content strategy that defines goals, target audience, content types, topics and distribution channels.




Creating a variety of content, including blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, e-books, white papers, case studies, and more.




Optimizing content for search engines (on-page SEO) by using appropriate keywords, headings, meta descriptions and formatting.

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Transforming ideas into visual masterpieces, our graphic design services redefine your brand’s aesthetics and identity.  Combining creativity and precision, we create captivating visuals that leave a lasting impression, ensuring your brand stands out in a visually driven world


(regardless of platform)

Creating unique and memorable logos that represent your brand identity and values



(regardless of platform)

Develop consistent brand guidelines, including color schemes, typography and design elements, to maintain a consistent visual identity across all materials.



(regardless of platform)

Designing website layouts, user interfaces and user experience (UI/UX) to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.



(regardless of platform)

Creating custom illustrations, digital art, and graphics to enhance visual content and storytelling.

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Facebook Ads – Price list

On Facebook we have ads that generate 36 zlotys from one zloty. Get to know the Facebook Ads price list in Verseo. 


(service per month)

Unlimited phrase positioning!

  • Offer for the smallest online stores that are starting and need the support of SEO specialists.


(service per month)

Unlimited phrase positioning!

  • An optimal solution for small online stores with a precise and effective strategy.


(service per month)

Unlimited phrase positioning!

  • The most frequently chosen package with effective and extensive promotion in the search engine and high quality of service.


(service per month)

Unlimited phrase positioning!

  • Dedicated to the largest online stores looking for modern methods and an in-depth strategy.
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Click on the Edit Content button to edit/add the content.
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Specjalizujemy się w oferowaniu kompleksowych usług internetowych WordPress, od specjalistycznego dostosowywania motywów i integracji wtyczek po bezproblemową optymalizację wydajności, zapewniając, że Twoja obecność w Internecie nie tylko będzie wyglądać imponująco, ale także będzie działać bezbłędnie.

Projektowanie Stron

(niezależnie od platformy)

Nasze usługi projektowania stron internetowych wykraczają poza estetykę, tworząc urzekające wizualnie i intuicyjne w obsłudze cyfrowe doświadczenia. Łączymy kreatywność z funkcjonalnością, aby tworzyć strony internetowe, które nie tylko urzekają odbiorców, ale także zwiększają zaangażowanie i wyniki Twojej firmy.

Wybierz Pakiet

Rozwiązanie na rynek E-commerce

(niezależnie od platformy)

Nasz zespół ekspertów tworzy witryny e-commerce przy użyciu WordPress i popularnych wtyczek, takich jak WooCommerce

Wybierz pakiet

Dostosowanie Motywów

(niezależnie od platformy)

Dostosowania istniejących motywów, aby dopasować je do unikalnych wymagań klienta dotyczących marki i funkcjonalności

wybierz pakier
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Enhance your brand narrative with our content marketing services, where compelling storytelling meets strategic reach.  We create engaging and relevant content that not only resonates with your audience, but also strategically strengthens your brand, fostering meaningful connections and making a lasting impact on the digital landscape.



Developing a content strategy that defines goals, target audience, content types, topics and distribution channels.




Creating a variety of content, including blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, e-books, white papers, case studies, and more.




Optimizing content for search engines (on-page SEO) by using appropriate keywords, headings, meta descriptions and formatting.

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Transforming ideas into visual masterpieces, our graphic design services redefine your brand’s aesthetics and identity.  Combining creativity and precision, we create captivating visuals that leave a lasting impression, ensuring your brand stands out in a visually driven world


(regardless of platform)

Creating unique and memorable logos that represent your brand identity and values



(regardless of platform)

Develop consistent brand guidelines, including color schemes, typography and design elements, to maintain a consistent visual identity across all materials.



(regardless of platform)

Designing website layouts, user interfaces and user experience (UI/UX) to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.



(regardless of platform)

Creating custom illustrations, digital art, and graphics to enhance visual content and storytelling.





Zespół Global SEO budowa stron internetowych



We deal with all professional IT Services

We offer comprehensive software development services that meet a variety of business requirements, from IT strategy consulting to comprehensive creation of scalable solutions.

Query item

Improve your SEO efforts with our query posting strategies.

Inserting a link

A proven technique for increasing website traffic.

Link Building

Insert captivating visuals to organically increase traffic.

Google Ads

Paid advertising.

SM Marketing

Let's connect, engage and achieve success with us.


Connecting communities, inspiring change with our experts.


We create websites on WordPress with mobile responsiveness.

Graphics Design

We create logos for all kinds of agencies, companies and brands.

Content Marketing

Professional content writer ensures 100% organic content.


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Ile kosztuje SEO

Podstawowe strategie SEO: Poznaj kluczowe taktyki skutecznego SEO Wprowadzenie do SEO SEO, czyli Search Engine Optimization, to proces optymalizacji strony internetowej w celu osiągnięcia wyższej

We are here to develop your business.

Are you looking for the best SEO expert?

A comprehensive guide to SEO: from basics to advanced strategies

SEO is a key element in building the visibility of a website in search results. In this comprehensive guide to SEO, from the basics to advanced strategies, you’ll learn how to effectively optimize your website for search engines. You will learn to plan and implement SEO strategies and avoid mistakes that can harm your website. We have prepared a rich set of information that will allow you to understand how SEO works, what its key components are and what tools are worth using in the optimization process.

SEO Basics: What it is and how it works

Basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of techniques and practices aimed at increasing the visibility of a website in search results. In short, SEO is the process of optimizing a website to achieve higher positions in search results, which translates into more visits and potential customers. To understand how SEO works , it is worth knowing its key elements and principles.

SEO Definition: What is Search Engine Optimization

SEO optimization is the process of adapting a website to the requirements of search engines such as Google or Bing. In practice, SEO involves a series of activities aimed at improving the structure, content and technical aspects of a website to make it easier to understand and index by search engine robots. Thanks to this, the website has a greater chance of achieving higher positions in search results.

Why is SEO crucial for online visibility?

SEO, or search engine optimization, plays a fundamental role in increasing your online visibility.

The importance of SEO results from the fact that most Internet users use search engines to find information, products or services. The higher a website’s position in search results, the greater the chance of attracting the attention of potential customers. Therefore, the visibility of a website on the Internet is crucial to the success of any company or online venture.

Key elements of effective SEO: What really matters?

SEO basics include three key aspects: technical optimization, content optimization, and link building. It is worth focusing on:

  • SEO content – ​​creating valuable, unique and engaging materials that meet the needs of users,
  • SEO techniques – using proven optimization methods in accordance with search engine guidelines,
  • improving page loading speed, URL structure and accessibility for mobile devices.

How has SEO evolved over the years?

In the context of SEO, changes over the years are crucial to understanding contemporary practices. In the beginning, optimization focused mainly on placing keywords in content and meta tags. Over time, however, search engines became more advanced and their algorithms began to take into account many other factors, such as content quality, page structure and domain authority. Therefore, modern SEO requires a comprehensive approach and constant adaptation to changing search engine guidelines.

SEO Strategy: How to plan and implement effectively

Creating an effective SEO strategy is the foundation of the success of every website. A carefully planned and implemented SEO strategy allows you to achieve higher positions in search results, which results in more traffic and an increase in the number of potential customers. Therefore, it is worth focusing on several key aspects to achieve the intended goals.

SEO Strategy Management: The Key to Success

The importance of managing your SEO strategy for your website’s success is invaluable. Effective SEO management enables effective use of resources, monitoring progress and adapting activities to changing market conditions. Therefore, it is worth investing in tools and resources that support effective SEO strategy management.

On-Site and Off-Site SEO: Differences and Importance in SEO Strategy

On-Site and Off-Site SEO: Differences and Importance in SEO Strategy

Understanding the differences between on-site and off-site SEO is crucial to an effective SEO strategy. On-site SEO focuses on optimizing elements found directly on the website, such as content, title tags and meta descriptions. Off-site SEO, on the other hand, refers to activities undertaken off-site to improve its visibility in search results, such as link building and social media marketing.

Both of these strategies are integral to achieving high rankings in search results and driving traffic to your website. Ensuring harmonious collaboration between on-site and off-site SEO can significantly increase the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and lead to long-term success.

Keyword Analysis: How to Choose the Most Effective?

Keyword analysis is the process of researching and selecting the most effective keywords that will attract users to a website. It’s worth using keyword planners , such as Google Keyword Planner, to identify words with high traffic potential and low competition. These keywords should then be incorporated into the page content, meta tags, and other on-site SEO elements.

Effective SEO Link Building

SEO link building aims to increase the number of valuable links leading to a website, which directly affects its authority on the web. To achieve the best results, use the following methods:

  • Creating valuable content that others will be happy to link to.
  • Outreach, i.e. establishing relationships with other websites and blogs.
  • Posting guest articles on other sites with links to your own site.

When building links, it is also worth using tools such as Ahrefs or Majestic. These tools help you analyze your link profile and identify potential collaboration partners.

SEO techniques: How to optimize your website for search engines

Various SEO techniques enable effective search engine optimization of websites . It is important to pay attention to key aspects such as on-page SEO optimization, technical SEO, content optimization and the use of legal methods known as white hat SEO.

On-page SEO optimization: How to increase website visibility?

On-page SEO optimization techniques aim to increase a website’s visibility in search results by optimizing various elements of the website. It is important to focus on the following aspects:

  • Improving the page structure (e.g. headers, internal links)
  • Meta tag optimization (titles, descriptions)
  • Increasing page loading speed
  • Content optimization for keywords

Technical SEO: What can’t we miss?

The key elements of technical SEO  include aspects such as:

  • improving website indexation by search engine robots,
  • URL structure optimization,
  • improving website responsiveness (RWD),
  • optimization of the robots.txt file and sitemap (sitemap.xml).

Content optimization: How to create SEO-friendly content?

Creating SEO-optimized content  and  content marketing  are essential to improving your website’s visibility in search results. It is worth paying attention to:

  • using keywords in content, headings and links,
  • creating valuable and unique content,
  • optimization of content length and paragraph structure,
  • using multimedia (e.g. photos, videos, infographics).

White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO: What Are the Differences and Why Should You Only Use Legal Techniques?

The differences between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO lie in their adherence to legal or illegal optimization techniques. White Hat SEO involves practices that comply with search engine guidelines, such as:

  • Creating valuable content,
  • Optimizing website structure,
  • Enhancing page loading speed.

In contrast, Black Hat SEO employs methods that violate these guidelines, including:

  • Hiding content
  • Automatically generating content,
  • Link spamming.

The importance of using only legal SEO techniques stems from the potential consequences of illegal actions, which can lead to penalties from search engines. These penalties can result in lower page rankings or even the removal of the site from the search engine index.

SEO Tools: The Most Important Thing and How to Use Them Effectively

SEO tools are essential for effective search engine optimization of your website. They enable keyword analysis, monitoring website position, conducting SEO audits and using data from Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Learning the most important tools and using them skillfully is crucial to achieving success in SEO.

Keyword analysis tools: How to choose the most effective ones?

Keyword analysis tools allow you to select the most effective phrases for website optimization. It is worth paying attention to:

  • Google Keyword Planner – a free tool from Google that allows you to analyze the popularity of keywords and offers suggestions for related phrases,
  • KWFinder – a paid keyword analysis tool that provides detailed information about competition, trends and estimated search volume,
  • SEMrush – a comprehensive SEO tool that also offers keyword and competition analysis in the industry.

Google Search Console and Google Analytics: How to use these tools for SEO?

Google Search Console is a free tool from Google that allows you to monitor website indexation, detect errors and analyze search engine traffic. It is worth using them for:

  • tracking the website’s position in search results,
  • analyzing internal and external links,
  • improving website indexation and identifying errors.

Google Analytics is another free tool from Google that allows for detailed analysis of website traffic and user behavior. In SEO it is useful for:

  • analysis of traffic sources (e.g. organic, paid, direct),
  • research on user behavior on the website (e.g. time spent on the website, bounce rate),
  • setting conversion goals and tracking their achievement.

SEO Audit Tools: The Most Important Thing and How to Use Them

An SEO audit allows you to assess the effectiveness of website optimization and identify potential problems. It is worth using SEO audit tools such as:

  • Screaming Frog – a tool for a comprehensive SEO audit that allows you to analyze the website structure, links, meta tags and other optimization elements.
  • Sitebulb – an advanced SEO audit tool that offers detailed reports and tips on improving website optimization.
  • Ahrefs Site Audit – a tool that allows you to analyze the website for technical errors, content optimization and links.

By using these tools, you can effectively monitor and improve your website’s search engine optimization, which translates into better visibility in search results.

SEO and positioning: Differences and common features

SEO and SEO are two terms often used interchangeably, although they have their own unique differences and similarities. Both aim to increase a website’s visibility in search results, but they differ in the approach and techniques used in the optimization process.

What is website positioning and what does it mean for SEO?

Website positioning is a process aimed at increasing the visibility of a website in search results by optimizing various website elements and building a valuable link profile. Positioning plays a key role in SEO, influencing the position a website occupies in search results. The basic principles of positioning include:

  • optimizing website content for keywords,
  • improving the website structure and its usability,
  • optimization of meta tags and headings,
  • acquiring valuable links from other sites.

SEO and SEM: How do these two strategies complement each other?

SEO and SEM are two key marketing strategies that aim to increase a website’s visibility in search results. SEO focuses on optimizing a website for search engines, while SEM (Search Engine Marketing) involves paid activities such as advertising on Google Ads. Both strategies can work together to achieve better results. Here are some examples:

  • SEO can support the optimization of landing pages for paid campaigns.
  • SEM can increase website traffic, which will positively affect the website’s position in organic results.
  • Analyzing SEM data can help you optimize keywords for SEO.

Combining these two approaches allows you to maximize the effects and achieve better visibility in search results.

Organic Search vs Paid Ads: Which is More Effective?

When comparing organic search results with paid advertising such as Google Ads , there are a few key aspects to consider:

  • Organic search results enjoy greater credibility among users because they are perceived as natural and independent of promotions.
  • Paid advertising can deliver faster results, but requires a larger budget.
  • Organic search results are long-lasting and can provide benefits long after optimization is complete.
  • Paid advertising offers the possibility of precise targeting, which allows you to reach a more specific group of recipients.

The choice between organic search and paid advertising depends on your business goals, budget and marketing strategy. The optimal solution often involves a combination of both methods, which allows you to increase your website’s visibility in search results and achieve better sales results.

users.SEO mistakes: What to avoid so as not to harm your website

When optimizing your website for search engines, you can make many SEO mistakes that can negatively impact your website’s position in search results. It is important to know these pitfalls and avoid them skillfully so as not to harm your website.

The most common SEO mistakes: What to avoid so as not to harm your website

Some of the most common optimization mistakes are worth mentioning:

  • Incorrect selection of keywords – keywords that are too general, unrelated to the topic of the website or too competitive.
  • Lack of content optimization for keywords – excessive or too rare occurrence of them.
  • Lack of unique and valuable content – copying or duplicating content from other websites.
  • Lack of optimization of meta tags and headings – missing keywords, too long or illegible descriptions.
  • Poorly built website structure – no site map, illegible menu or lack of internal links.
  • Not optimized for page loading speed – too large images, unoptimized code or lack of file compression.

Black Hat SEO: Why Avoid Illegal Techniques?

Black hat SEO are illegal techniques used to manipulate search results. It is worth avoiding such practices because they can lead to serious consequences, such as:

  • Lowering the page’s position in search results.
  • Removing a page from the search engine index.
  • Loss of trust of users and customers.
  • Legal problems related to copyright infringement or personal data protection.

Mistakes in on-page optimization: How to avoid them?

There are many pitfalls in on-page optimization that are worth knowing and skillfully avoiding. Here are some of the most common mistakes in on-page optimization:

  • Lack of optimization of H1, H2, H3 headings – missing keywords, too long or illegible headings.
  • Images not optimized – no alt attribute, too large file sizes or no compression.
  • Lack of link optimization – lack of internal links, too many external links or the use of nofollow links in the case of valuable sources.
  • Lack of optimization of content for readability – too long paragraphs, lack of division into sections or lack of lists and tables.

By avoiding the above SEO mistakes, you can significantly increase your chances of achieving high positions in search results and build a valuable and credible website for your users.


In this article, we’ve provided a comprehensive guide to SEO , covering both the basics and advanced optimization strategies. We analyzed key aspects such as the definition of SEO, its evolution, the components of effective SEO and the differences between SEO and positioning. We also covered optimization techniques, SEO tools, and mistakes you should avoid so as not to harm your website.

We emphasized the importance of SEO strategy , its management and keyword analysis. We explained the differences between on-site and off-site SEO and discussed SEO link building. We drew attention to the importance of on-page optimization, technical SEO and creating search engine-friendly content. We compared white hat SEO with black hat SEO, highlighting why you should only use legal techniques.

In the article, we also presented SEO tools such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics and tools for keyword analysis and SEO audit. We discussed the differences between SEO and SEO and their common features, and compared organic results with paid advertising.

Finally, we have described SEO mistakes that you should avoid so as not to harm your website, including the most common optimization mistakes, black hat SEO and on-page optimization mistakes. By avoiding these traps, you can significantly increase your chances of achieving high positions in search results and build a valuable and credible website for your users.

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